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Hi, my name is Renata Ivanek. I am a Professor of Epidemiology at the Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine. As a veterinarian and epidemiologist trained in statistical and mathematical modeling, I bridge biomedical and mathematical disciplines in my research.

 The overarching goal of my computer lab is to advance One Health — the interconnected health of people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. We strive to improve lives through better health and food systems.

 We develop sustainable data- and model-driven approaches for improving food safety, controlling infectious diseases, and optimizing food production systems.

 For example, some of our most recent projects are on COVID-19 mitigation in the food industry. We work on antibiotic use and resistance in animal agriculture. Also, an important part of our work is devoted to developing simulation-based decision support tools to reduce food waste and prevent pathogen spread in food and veterinary environments.

The culture in our lab is highly collaborative. We value innovation, teaching, communication, and professional development.

 Our lab members are self-motivated, proactive, accountable, and caring leaders. Lab members take ownership of the projects within the domain of their responsibility. They support the shared lab vision through teamwork, mentorship, peer support, and an appreciation for diversity.

 Thanks for visiting our lab website!

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